Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tim Wise and Brown v. Board of Education

Tim Wise explains that racism in America has not improved much since the decision of Brown v. Board of Education. He says that the United States took a large step towards equality when we voted Barack Obama as the president but there is a double standard when it comes to the views of whites towards people of color. People of color are compared to Obama and have to be as great as he is in order to accepted by the whites. Wise says that racism will be less significant when whites allow people of color to be as mediocre as other whites.
Denial is one of the points that Wise speaks of being a huge problem for whites in the US. Wise also talks about asking whites if they think racism is a problem in the United States today. He said this is not a credible question because even back in the 60's whites said that they thought blacks were treated equally as well as whites. It is not a question to ask whites because it is not affecting them. They are 0blivious to the racism like Johnson said. The real person to talk to is the people of color who are receiving the opression. Lastly, Wise talks of all the events in the history of race and opression. He says that each moment in time was important to history but there is still so much more to do.
I did not mind the video but I am more of a visul learner so I always like to have the piece in front of me to look at. The video was interesting and engaging but I just found it difficult to listen and take notes then get back into the conversation. Wise was making so many great points all in one sentance or in a few sentances so it was just difficult to remember it all. But in the end it was something different and I did enjoy that. I am really considering the picking up his book. He also has a blog which is pretty cool to read.

1 comment:

  1. I talked about the same things in my blog. The point he makes about people of color being able to be as "mediocre" as whites really made me think about his points on equality.
